SMAW Tip-Offs


Having trouble with your SMAW?  Have no fear — Practical Welding Today® is here!  This article talks you through the SMAW process from start to finish and even includes a section on troubleshooting some of your more troublesome welds.  Enjoy!

SMAW: A welder’s guide

Advice and troubleshooting tips for beginners

By Harry Sadler
September 15, 2009

Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is the most common form of arc welding. However, creating a good weld is not always easy, especially for a beginner. Following a few simple tips as well as learning the common weld defect and how to fix them will have you on your way to laying quality SMAW welds.

smaw-weldersShielded metal arc welding (SMAW) is the most common form of arc welding. However, creating a good weld is not always easy, especially for a beginner. Unlike gas metal arc welding (GMAW), in which you basically point and shoot, SMAW requires a higher skill level and a mastery of certain techniques.

By following a few simple tips, even beginners can learn how to spot common weld defects and fix them to create a high-quality weld.


Do you have any other practical SMAW tips that you’d like to share with the rest of the class?  Well, don’t keep them all to yourselves — post some below!


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